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发布日期:2019-05-31    作者:     来源:     点击:













2011.10-2012.10 英国约翰英纳斯研究中心(John Innes Centre)访问一年


1. 水稻硝酸盐转运蛋白OsNPF2.1参与硝酸盐、钾协同吸收利用的功能研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(31401938),2015.01-2017.12,24万,项目主持人

2. 黄淮海冲积平原半湿润-半干旱区盐碱地植物种质资源调查,国家科技计划项目子课题(2015FY110500),2015.5-2020.4,70万,研究骨干



1. Feng H, Tang Q, Cai J, Xu B, Cai J. Xu G, Yu L. 2019. Rice OsHAK16 functions in potassium uptake and translocation in shoot, maintaining potassium homeostasis and salt tolerance.PlantaDOI: 10.1007/s00425-019-03194-3.

2. 冯慧敏*,陆宏,王汉卿,李昕玥.2017.水稻硝酸盐转运蛋白基因OsNPF7.9在氮素积累和转运中的功能研究.中国水稻科学31(5): 457-464. (*Correspondence author)

3. Feng H, Li B, Zhi Y, Cheng J, Li R, Xia X, Xu G, Fan X*. 2017. Overexpression of the nitrate transporter, OsNRT2.3b, improves rice phosphorus uptake and translocation.Plant Cell Reports36(8):1287-1296.

4. Fan X*,Feng H, Tan Y, Xu Y, Miao Q, Xu G. 2016. A putative 6- transmembrane nitrate transporter OsNRT1.1b plays a key role in rice under low nitrogen.Journal of Integrative Plant Biology58(6):590-599.(Co-first author)

5. Liu X, Feng H, Huang D, Song M, Fan X, Xu G*.2015. Two short sequences in OsNAR2.1 promoter are necessary for fully activating the nitrate induced gene expression in rice roots.ScientificReports5:11950.(Co-first author)

6. Feng H, Xia X, Fan X*, Xu G, Miller AJ*. 2013. Optimizing plant transporter expression in Xenopus oocytes.Plant Methods9(1):48.

7. Feng H,Fan X, Yan M, Liu X, Shen Q, Miller AJ, Xu G*. 2011. Multiple roles of nitrate transport accessory protein NAR2 in plants.Plant Signal and Behavior6 (9):1286-1289.(Co-first author)

8. Feng H, Yan M, Fan X, Li B, Shen Q, Miller AJ, Xu G*. 2011. Spatial expression and regulation of rice high-affinity nitrate transporters by nitrogen and carbon status.Journal of Experimental Botany62 (7):2319-2332 . (Co-first author)

9. Feng H, Yan M, Li B, Fan X, Xu G. 2009. Expression analysis of the high-affinity nitrate transporters in rice: spatial expression and regulation by nitrate.6th Progress on Post-genome Technologies. (oral poster presentation)


1. Wei J, Zheng Y, Feng H, Qu H, Fan X, Yamaji N, Ma JF, Xu G. 2018. OsNRT2.4 encodes a dual-affinity nitrate transporter and functions in nitrate-regulated root growth and nitrate distribution in rice.Journal of Experimental Botany69(5):1095-1107.

2. Zeng Y, Li Q, Wang H, Zhang J, Du J,Feng H, Blumwald E, Yu L*, Xu GH*. 2018. Two NHX-type transporters from Helianthus tuberosus improve the tolerance of rice to salinity and nutrient deficiency stress.Plant Biotechnology Journal16(1):310-321.

3. Chen G,Feng H, Hu Q, Qu H, Chen A, Yu L, Xu G*. 2015. Improving rice tolerance to potassium deficiency by enhancing OsHAK16p:WOX11 controlled root development.Plant Biotechnology Journal2015,13:833-848.

4. Xia X, Fan X, Wei J,Feng H, Qu H, Xie D, Miller AJ, Xu G*. 2015. Rice nitrate transporter OsNPF2.4 functions in low-affinity acquisition and long-distance transport.Journal of Experimental Botany66(1):317-31.

5. Tang Z, Fan X, Li Q,Feng H, Miller AJ, Shen Q, Xu G*. 2012. Knock Down of a Rice Stelar Nitrate Transporter Alters Long Distance Translocation but not Root Influx.Plant Physiology160 (4):2052-63.

6. Yan M, Fan X,Feng H, Miller AJ, Shen Q, Xu G*. 2011. Rice OsNAR2.1 interacts with OsNRT2.1, OsNRT2.2 and OsNRT2.3a nitrate transporters to provide uptake over high and low concentration range.Plant Cell and Environment34(8): 1360-1372.

7. 李宝珍,王松伟,冯慧敏,徐国华.氮素供应形态对水稻根系形态和磷吸收的影响.中国水稻科学2008, 22(5): 665-669.